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Ohms Nuttachai • 2 years ago

Loid: "A spy can't stand out"
Another person who doesn't want to stand out in the flashiest way possible. Is this the new trend?

Anya: "Papa is a Tsundere"

They became a lovely family in just one episode. I love the scene when Anya teased Loid by repeating his line from when he captured that theif. That shows how really close they are.

Yor seem to be very easy to please. Want to get on her good side? Just give her any sharp tools lol

XanKaBoi • 2 years ago

Stab me baby....

Anime & Rutabagas • 2 years ago

Oh kinky but ok ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lol

Iced Up Dragon • 2 years ago

did you see her get turned on by the guillotine....she killing that dress though I had to do a frame freeze on those parts be like **DAAAAAAAAMMMM*

Kirito • 2 years ago

I love how the anime added more scene like that room tour Anya is showing yor their room is so cute. Anya's room is ania lol

FBIagentSenpai • 2 years ago

I'm glad the author didn't even pay attention to those people who were complaining about no black people in the show, I was afraid that they will change the skin color of anya in this episode if that happens I will just stop the anime i rather read the manga. The original character design is what captured the reader, seriously those SJW they should just watch disney shows if they are so worried about skin color, I apologize everyone but I was on facebook and I was so angry when I saw that BS

Zack D. • 2 years ago

Am black and those ppl are tripping why change it....it must black Americans....cause I just told my mother this are she died laughing.

dra6o0n • 2 years ago

The anime seems to be based on Western and Eastern Germany of sorts in the 60s. Or maybe France vs Germany?

Back then, migration and such still wasn't so huge and even today, you shouldn't expect to see a black person in Europe for the most part unless they were tourists.

Yor is too Asian in her distinctiveness and too exotic to blend in somewhat... Or it could just be her style.

ANIME SUKI • 2 years ago

Bro I just want you to know there are a lot of black people in Europe.

Walter Lee • 2 years ago

Europe had African descent and South Asian/subcontinent descent people since the Empire days of France, England, and Spain. However, in the 1960s ..there was not many non whites in Berlin, Germany which appears to be what the fictional city of Berlint is modelled after.

Walter Lee • 2 years ago

IMHO - this parallel universe is a homage to the 1960s Cold War between East Germany and West Germany and Berlin in the 1960s with the only thing missing a parallel "Berlin Wall" USSR did have and does have Asians in the Siberian side of the USSR but there is rarely any cross migration between the far east people of the USSR to the capital. During WWII USSR did capture and never return Japanese soldiers and colonist of the Japanese Empire when Japan lost WWII .. there is still a territorial dispute going back to WWII with USSR aka Russia and Japan too...During the Cold War East Germany was satellite/vassel state of the USSR. All of the reports/stories I have read says that Non europeans/Asians are second class citizens in the USSR and Russia --so its unlikely to see any Asian descent Russians in the Kremlin/Russia or during the Cold War version of East Germany in the real word ... That aside when Yor bring her moving boxes to Lloyd's/Loid's home.. one of the boxes is listed as Kimono ....

Porthya • 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure it's the 2 halves of split Germany, owed to the Ostania and Westania names for the 2 countries. "Ost", IIRC, is the (at least) Old Germanic word for "east", and Westania is a couple of letters away from the Latinised name of the Westfalen region. Of course, both names have been (retro)-Latinised.

geanno • 2 years ago

just like you said, its "based", doesnt mean its exactly like it is in reality just crank that brain of yours people. just enjoy the show. and wdym yor is too asian? have you seen an asian with red eyes? and if you didnt notice, this show is made by a japanese and characters are speaking japanese. so why not point that out too dumbass

Dreamblade • 1 year ago

It's based on old spy movies. Look at the old technology, like the space heaters, light switches, etc. There was even a microfilm in the coin lol!

Keian • 2 years ago

"The anime seems to be based on Western and Eastern Germany of sorts in the 60s
migration and such still wasn't so huge and even today, you shouldn't expect to see a black person in Europe for the most part unless they were tourists."
wow Im sorry but this is incorrect there were black people in Europe back then. There are even some black British nobility even romans that dated back even in the early 1700's. Though im expecting people are gonna go out of their way and say that "this is fake history" or some sort kinda how gay men and women have just been labeled as "really good friends" lmao

Leinard Mora Sigalingging • 2 years ago

black europeans? sure
black germany? kinda hard to find around the time and place spy x Family is based on (the split Germany after WW2, a.k.a during Cold War)
why? well, there was this failed Austrian painter who rose in power and kinda...um...brought racial superiority in his politics and basically advocated racism and genocide to "non-Aryan" race so....

Walter Lee • 2 years ago

This being a fantasy homage - anything is possible .. there is artistic licenses in the name of having a good time ... justified by its entertainment value to Japanese TV anime fans everywhere. .. So given that.. I am perfectly happy the way this anime/manga has developed.

Keian • 2 years ago

there in fact we're black people in Europe just look it up and yes there were Afro-Germans during the second world war. They like other ethnic groups had to flee Germany to neighboring countries. now I wouldn't know if those black Germans came back after the dust settled but maybe. Honestly idk what your stance is in this comment. my original reply to the other post was to inform them that black people did and still do exist in Europe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Walter Lee • 2 years ago

There are Japanese and Chinese people in America and in Asian Americans during WWII... but you don't see them much in during the Cold War other than as oppressed communities/peoples so it makes for a rather nasty fantasy story line and difficult comic material to work with.. and yes some Chinese American has made more than one Graphic novel/ manga just about that ..and I found them depressingly sad... it got literary praise but it is never going to be made into a TV anime.

Keian • 2 years ago

yeah their stories are sad but it is as you sad a fantasy story line. this isn't a historically accurate story is it?

g@be • 2 years ago

As a black man, i agree with you (f*ck sjw/woke movement)

Zack D. • 2 years ago

Facts man..they always tryna start shit or make things go they way

Bertus • 2 years ago

Great take my man, I doubt the people complaining are even mainly black anyway. Cancel culture just has certain people scared or even brainwashed somehow.

NightmarecatMID • 2 years ago

If you actually think about it would be bit dangerous cause you think about it in era were Racism exist so if you change skin tone then you gotta change story with everyone look down on you. I know we have to have equality but if i'm right they living a peroid where was no equality presented to that time so if think about it wouldn't make sense and Loid wouldn't want stand out since he spy. I know it sad but it better ignore it and follow the story cause it interesting and lovely.

Keian • 2 years ago

uh... "if they are so worried about skin color"...
"I was afraid that they will change the skin color of anya"...
"The original character design is what captured the reader"...
honestly would have liked the anime whatever the colour their skin would have been

phantom • 2 years ago

It's less about the skin color and more about giving in to whiny babies

Keian • 2 years ago

you mean the whiny baby that just came out of no where talking about some shit that wasn't even in the post that he replied to?

phantom • 2 years ago

He commented about his appreciation for the authors actions in a comment thread appreciating the anime. Get your head out of you ass

dee • 2 years ago

thank u

FBIagentSenpai • 2 years ago

yeah I don't care about skin color, but it will destroy the anime if they decide to change anya skin color instead of keepping her original design just please a bunch of idiots who gets offended by everything

Keian • 2 years ago

"yeah I don't care about skin color" then why tf even bring it up in the first place?

FBIagentSenpai • 2 years ago

I didn't it, the ones who bring it up are the same idiots who are asking the author of the anime to chance anya skin color because they are "offended" they don't see any black people in the show

Keian • 2 years ago

This is the comment you replied to "Oh kinky but ok ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lol" none of the comments ahead of your original post mentions anything about race. you can't deny that you brought it up lmao

FBIagentSenpai • 2 years ago

if you read my very first comment I mentioned that I saw this BS on social media (Facebook) the same thing in twitter, I wont denying anything, SJW who think are special, who think they can change the world are the ones who are asking the author to change anya skin color because they feel "ofended" there are no black people in the anime, so yeah those kind of people should stop watching animes start watching Disney where they can have what they want

Keian • 2 years ago

Then maybe you should have taken this with the people there instead of bringing it up here...

FBIagentSenpai • 2 years ago

oh I did that, but I mentioned it here because I want to show to everyone how SJW are like a cancer and thanks to them movies and entertainment in the West (especially in the US an Europe) are shitty and now they are trying to do the same with anime industry

Keian • 2 years ago

I can see that but aren't you kind of offended by their opinions? no one was even talking about it until you replied to someone talking about penetration and kinks. like... what?

Am Sin • 2 years ago

Wow news to me. That is why it is important to tell these people to leave their irl issues ie politics and religion out of the manga/anime industry they have already destroyed american comics. People forget that japanese society is not heavy on immigration.

Aerlis Ambrosius • 2 years ago

Right, but it is not based on Japan but on Berlin, Germany in the...well looks like late 1950's to mid 1960's. I expect the population there at that time to be almost entirely homogenous.

Am Sin • 2 years ago

Ya it is but the premise or essence if I say is more Japanese even their blondes ojous are more Japanese.

Aerlis Ambrosius • 2 years ago

Can't argue with that. It was written by Japanese and with Japanese voice actors. Of course it will have something of a Japanese flavor. For example, some bow like Japanese, so you won't see that in Germany. You might see a curtsy, but not Japanese style of courtesy.

Rene • 2 years ago

Except politics and religion have always been a part of American comics for decades especially during wartime and yet American comics thrived. The issue is not the diversity but the poor writing skills and lack of creativity. Just like a lot of manga artists tend to either get little traction with their manga because the story line is over played or some who get a lot of popularity milk the series because their next works don't often get the same popularity because of the past hype .

ANIME SUKI • 2 years ago

An actual intelligent person in this thread.

FBIagentSenpai • 2 years ago

unfortunately the don't , they keep doing it and that's why the Americans and even Europeans look for eastern entertainment because they destroy their own entertainment not only American comics, even Hollywood movies are trash I stop watching Hollywood movies long time ago, I don't even watch Netflix because they are trash and those people who gets offended about no black people, LGBT, etc in Anime are like a cancer they are the most toxic people in the internet

uselesslegs • 2 years ago

You on a propaganda mission or something? Holy h***. This is some fake @ss outrage and I can't believe some of the posters here that I look forward to reading their comments, just bought right into something that wasn't even relevant to this anime. Goor Lord. This is some bottom tier concern/outrage tr***ing. Oof.

Dreamblade • 1 year ago

What's funny is he might actually be a real FBI agent. Look up "Operation COINTELPRO" on Wikipedia. FBI always startin s***.

Am Sin • 2 years ago

I know there are so many movies I was waiting to look this year but not sure if I want to because of disney fiasco now. It pisses me as a manga anime fan that they are putting their grubby hands on series trying to mold it into their crap.

FBIagentSenpai • 2 years ago

I agree, and that's why I said on my previous comment they should just watch disney shows if they are so worried about skin color, because Disney gives them everything they want, Disney would change the skin color from their original characters (that's what they did to the little mermaid) they even add black people or LGBT in their shows or movies

Keian • 2 years ago

"they even add black people or LGBT in their shows or movies" im confused i thought you said you didn't care about the colour of someone's skin? so what exactly is wrong if they add or had black or queer people represented? they are part of society. would it not be inaccurate to portray a world without them?

FBIagentSenpai • 2 years ago

nothing wrong with that, like I said I just gave an example how the Disney company is willing to sacrifice millions of dollars in order to please the liberal agenda, the same thing with Netflix I just read the other day, Netflix lost millions of dollars because people are cancelling their subscriptions and the reason is people are tired of that BS, so yeah as long they don't bring that liberal agenda and their BS to the anime industry I'm ok with that